Residents have been lawn bowling on the green in the Park since 1894. Yet as we bowl on summer evenings in this peaceful green space in the historical heart of our town, time seems irrelevant. The traditions of sportsmanship, fellowship and fun, which guided past generations of bowlers, many of whom achieved distinction at the provincial and national levels, have continued unchanged by the passage of time.
The Club said “farewell” to the old green in 2011. There was some sadness, as there would be with any passing. This was especially true for the older members and former members, for whom this place holds so many wonderful memories.
But, as with all endings there are new beginnings, offering the best of both worlds – we stayed in our historic home but with a state-of-the-art lawn bowling facility which now offers our members greater opportunity to excel in the sport and for the club to make its mark in the lawn bowling community.
On that day in August 2011, we said “thank you” to this ground, this grass, this place for all it has been to Stouffville lawn bowlers for 117 years and look forward to the next 100 years. The new green was installed in the fall of 2011 and was fully operational in the spring of 2012.
You can become a member of the Stouffville Lawn Bowling Club. Simply: Attend our May registration event and participate in new bowler training, Join us on a summer evening to meet some club bowlers and sign up for a part season, Complete and drop off the Registration and Waiver Form, or Call tel: 905.640.9061 and ask to join. The registration fee for new bowlers is $90
We offer bowler training and will team you up with an “experienced” mentor bowler. SLBC offers two House League seasons in the summer.